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Fresh ginger Air dry ginger

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To see the effect of air dried ginger therapeutic

Whether it is fresh ginger or air dry ginger it is a good thing, we can not live without it. In fact many people know ginger can not only as a cooking condiment, and as therapeutic material help us nursed back to health, some physical ailments also can be cured. And then summarize the therapeutic effect of it!

  Ginger Ganxin and temperature, with scattered cold sweating, temperature stomach antiemetic, sterilization analgesia, anti-inflammatory efficacy, also can blood capillaries, improve blood circulation, excited the stomach and help digestion. Fresh ginger can be used for "cold evil heat, headache, stuffy nose, cough fever, vomiting, check gas phlegm gas". Dried ginger is suitable for "cold abdominal pain, fullness, cholera, evil wind evil, skin disinfection, stop spitting blood gas".

  A dried ginger, ginger, leek cure heatstroke syncope: the amount of garlic, 1, were smashed juice gavage.

  Two, cold dysentery: ginger 4, 15 grams of tea, boiling add a half tablespoon of vinegar, while hot clothes, 3 times a day.

  Three, treat vomiting: a spoonful of honey ginger juice, 2 tablespoon, add 3 tablespoons of boiling water and mix thoroughly, after boiling one dose.

  Four, cure dysentery: air dried ginger, red and white Green Tea equal amount of water, boiled down to drink.

  , cure stomach attack: ginger, cinnamon 12 grams, add water decoction dose, 2 times a day.

  Six, chilblain, frostbite: bubble in the appropriate amount of mash, juice liquor, heating wipe the affected area, 3 times a day.

  Seven, treatment of malaria: fresh ginger 4 tablets, 15 grams of tea, fried water and brown sugar, while hot drinks, 2 times a day.

  Eight, the treatment of acute bacterial dysentery: ginger 25 grams, 50 grams of brown sugar, total mash, 3 times a day of service, even for a few days.

  Nine, cure cough, cold cough: 5 pieces of fresh ginger, add brown sugar, walnut meat mash feed.

  Ten, treatment of postpartum abdominal pain: ginger, angelica 150 grams, 1000 grams of mutton, water amount of stew, divided dose.

  11, treatment of acute gastroenteritis: fresh ginger 5, 20 grams of tea, garlic 1, mash them, fried water transfer amount of brown sugar drink, 3 times a day.

  Twelve, cure cold bone pain, joint pain:

  1, the amount of fresh ginger, onion, fried hot mash with a cloth ironing, apply to the affected area, several times a day.

  2, the number of ginger slices in the affected area, moxastickmoxibustion.

  13 and treating traumatic injury, lumbar sprain: fresh ginger, taro half Daocheng muddy, plus amount of flour and mix thoroughly, paste and apply to affected area, daily replacement of 2 times.

  Fourteen, diaphoresis, warm lung cough: ginger 10, 7 grams of tea, fried water while serving hot drinks.

  Fifteen, treat heat dysentery: ginger 4, 15 grams of tea, 6 grams of Rhizoma Coptidis, fried water cool drink, 3 times a day.

  Sixteen, treat carsick seasick: fresh ginger 1 pieces of plaster affixed to the navel, with 1 Sangshi, have obvious relieve effect.

  17, cure stomach, duodenal ulcer: 25 grams of chopped ginger, put in a pig's stomach, water with slow fire Dunlan, fractional edible.

  Eighteen, treat sweat too much: fresh ginger 15 grams, 15 grams of alum, boil water soaking, 1 times a day.

  Nineteen, treating women's abdominal pain: deficiency of ginger, brown sugar moderate Decoction of water consumption.

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